Leavers information for parents
Information about Leavers (for parents).
Leavers is an exciting time to celebrate completing year 12 and all your hard work at school. Here’s some tips to make sure you’re fully prepared before you go to have a fun and safe experience.
Chat with your parents about your plans for Leavers.
Book accommodation early and plan travel arrangements to get there and back safely.
Make an agreement with your parents about maintaining regular communication, even just a call or text each day.
Make sure your parents have numbers to contact your friends in case of an emergency, and the name, address and contact details of your accommodation venue.
Work out a budget and include extra money for emergencies.
Make a pact with your mates that you will stick together and look out for each other.
Remember, learners and provisional drivers cannot drive with a blood alcohol concentration above 0.00.
Read about the laws that relate to young people and alcohol, including supplying alcohol to someone who is under 18 years of age and drinking in a public place.
Think about what you want from your Leavers experience, and remember you can always say “no” to anything you don’t want to do.
Consider health insurance that includes ambulance cover.
Remember, all official WA Leavers activities are drug and alcohol free.
Head to the official WA Leavers’ website for information on Leavers destinations and activities. Download the free WA Leavers app for all the information on events, getting around, and tips to stay safe.
Two forms of ID (e.g. drivers’ licence, school ID, transperth smartrider).
Money and something secure to carry it in.
Hat, sunglasses and sunscreen.
Beach towel.
Summer clothes and warm clothes.
Phone charger.
First aid essentials – first aid kit, bandaids, panadol and any other medications.
A torch and blanket.
Mosquito repellent.
Leave valuables at home – don’t take anything you wouldn’t feel comfortable not bringing home with you.
Carry your photo ID, phone and wallet at all times.
Keep a list of emergency contacts on you at all times, including friends, parents and local Police (131 444).
Wear your official WA Leavers’ wrist band at all times.
Know the house rules at your accommodation and look after the place you’re staying in.
Don’t accept rides with people you don’t know, and don’t get in a car with someone you suspect has been drinking or is under the influence of other drugs.
Plan your transport for the day including a designated driver.
Take care of yourself – stay hydrated, eat regularly and aim to get your 8 hours of beauty sleep each night.
Remember your buddy system! Don’t let your friends go off alone.
Organise a safe, public place to meet if you get separated.
If a friend says they are feeling unwell, or appear to be unwell, seek help from the medics.
Remember, alcohol and drugs impact your ability to make good choices. It is illegal to be in possession of illicit drugs, including cannabis and MDMA.
Be considerate and respectful of the people, property and public places in the community you are visiting. Don’t leave a mess behind.
Be careful walking near roadsides at night, alwasy take the leavers bus and never walk home from the Zone.
WA Police and the Leavers’ support services are there to help you celebrate safely. When you arrive, locate where they are so you know where to go and how to contact them if you need assistance.
For Police assistance, call 131 444. Save 000 for life threatening emergencies.
Good friends make for good times. Chat to your friends before you head out to plan how you’ll look out for each other, including having a meet up spot if you get split up.
Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach speeds up the time it takes for your body to absorb the alcohol which means you’re more likely to feel dizzy, nauseous, vomit and/or pass out.
Sculling a glass of water or having a plate of food after you’ve started drinking won’t necessarily help reduce the effect alcohol has on your body or reduce your blood alcohol concentration.
To reduce the chances of ending up with your head in the sink, space out your drinks and make sure you’ve eaten before you start drinking.
Drinking enough water each day is important for overall health – it helps to regulate body temperature, deliver nutrients to cells, keep body organs functioning properly and helps us to sleep better and feel better emotionally.
Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it undoes the good work that water does in our body and can make us feel dehydrated.
Drinking plenty of water is especially important when drinking alcohol – this will keep you feeling well so you can have your best leavers (and it will also help you feel better tomorrow).
Mixing alcohol with other drugs, including prescription ones, increases the chance of something going wrong, and the effects can be unpredictable.
For example, mixing alcohol with amphetamines, such as MDMA, can have dangerous masking effects and lead to someone taking more, which can result in dehydration, heat stroke or overdose.
Mixing alcohol with prescription medications can be dangerous and also worsen your symptoms. For example, mixing alcohol with anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication can leave you feeling more depressed or anxious, worsen your side effects, and impair your thinking and alertness. Most anti-depressants require taking a daily dose to work as intended. You should never stop or start taking these kinds of medications without the help of your doctor, as this could be dangerous.
Don’t stop and start your medication just to drink alcohol. If you experience anxiety or depression, it’s best not to drink, but if you plan to, speak to your doctor or health professional beforehand.
Not using drugs is the best way to make sure you have a good time and stay safe at Leavers. If you decide to use other drugs here are some things you should do:
Did you know alcohol is the most common substance used in drink spiking? The signs someone has had their drink spiked can be similar to symptoms people experience if they’ve consumed a lot of alcohol (like feeling sick or dizzy, feeling drunk after only a small amount of alcohol or passing out). If you notice these symptoms come on quickly, it could be a sign you or your friend has had their drink spiked.
Don’t accept drinks from other people (even if you know them) and don’t leave your drink unattended. If your drink doesn’t taste right – don’t drink it.
If you think that you or someone you know has had your drink spiked, ask someone you trust to help you get to a safe place and seek help urgently.
If you or your friends aren’t feeling well:
Not at an official Leavers event? Always call triple zero (000) in an emergency.
Great sex starts with an enthusiastic yes.
Asking for your partner’s consent shows that you respect their body, their boundaries, their feelings, and their decisions. Consent is an important first step in having sex that is a mutual, safe, and happy decision. Consent is also a legal requirement.
Alcohol and other drugs can make it harder for you to give consent (because you may not be fully aware of what is happening) and may make it harder for you to judge if your partner has given appropriate consent as well.
FYI: Condoms with water-based lube is the most effective way to prevent HIV, sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy.
Be sun smart by wearing your sunnies, a long-sleeved shirt and a wide-brimmed hat, and by using sunscreen (30+SPF) and seeking shade.
Stay hydrated by drinking water.
Stay out of the water if you’re drinking alcohol.
Page last updated20 October 2023